CO2 emissions
measured, reduced and reported

The platform designed for large enterprises and government agencies on the path to Net Zero.

Our carbon experts at your side
up to Net Zero

A carbon expert is available to assist you in all the complex steps from data collection, to reporting, to the development of reduction plans.

Bluegreen is monitored by a Scientific Technical Committee headed by a team of professors from the Department of Civil Construction and Environmental Engineering at the University of Padua to ensure the highest standards of reliability.

Simple and accessible

Bluegreen makes emissions accounting accessible and effective for all large companies by transferring know-how and involving contractors and employees.

Integrated to the core business

Our technology is designed to integrate harmoniously with the client’s software fleet as well as the core business. Bluegreen was created to synergize with your operations by tracking supply chain emissions, offering support in supplier selection, cost reduction, risk assessment and management, or ESG rating.

Carbon reduction as-a-service

Bluegreen is not just SaaS. All of our clients have a Carbon Expert available to support them on their journey to Net Zero. From data collection to the development of reduction strategies.

Scientific rigor

Bluegreen is monitored by a technical-scientific committee headed by a team of professors from the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering at theUniversity of Padua, and is participated by Spinest, a company co-founded by Spinlife – Spin-off of the University of Padua and a leader in research and consulting for decarbonization of companies and public entities.

This ensures compliance with the highest standards of reliability, supports the commitment toinvest in the most advanced research and development projects, and consolidates excellence skills in the field of decarbonization.

Our Partners

Science and technology in the service of decarbonization.

with the support of

Book an appointment

Fill out the form below and contact us to book
an appointment with our Carbon Expert.

    • Onboarding and data collection supported by our Carbon Expert.
    • Automated data collection through integration to ERPs.
    • Organization’s emissions budget up to Scope 3 and ISO 14064-1 certifiable.
    • Track your supply chain emissions and evaluate supplier sustainability.
    • Involve your employees in awareness projects and reduction activities.
    • Business intelligence in the palm of your hands, projects emissions and simulates the impact of different reduction strategies over time.
    • Offset your residual emissions by contributing to the development of certified projects that reduce or absorb CO2.
    • Communicate and report your results.